
Your options for a
home purchase

Home purchase loans, often called mortgage loans or simply mortgages, offer the perfect alternative. We offer a full range of home purchase loan options, so don’t be afraid to reach out.

Factors We’ll Consider When Evaluating
Your Application

  • Liquid Assets and Investments: Liquid assets refer to any money you have in checking and savings accounts.
  • Household Income: We also take a look at your ability to pay. Obviously, your monthly household income is figured into the equation, but your employment history is as well.
  • Debt to Income Ratio: Our team will also calculate your debt-to-income ratio or your monthly household income compared to your current monthly debts.
  • Credit Score: We’ll look at your credit score along with when any relevant debts were created. We have some alternatives to the conventional home loan, and you may qualify for those. 
  • FHA Financing: Our FHA loans are backed by the government and issued by Fellowship Home Loans give thousands of people the opportunity to buy a home when they don’t qualify for other options.
  • Adjustable Rate Mortgages: Adjustable-rate Mortgages are another option we offer our applicants. ARM’s allow us to start you off at a low rate and lower initial monthly payments

If you can afford to rent,
you can afford to buy

Until fairly recently, it was definitely less expensive to rent a home than to purchase one but, at this point, the scales are essentially balanced. The decision between purchasing and renting is now based more on your individual circumstances than your financial situation. If you need to move frequently for whatever reason, or you foresee a pay cut on the horizon, renting may be the better option. Otherwise, why not consider becoming an official homeowner?We offer a variety of loans designed for a home purchase. If you can’t afford the traditional 10 to 20 percent down payment, we can help you find out if you qualify for an FHA loan. A number of government-funded assistance programs are available you may not even be aware of, and we’re here as your advocates for all of them.
Start your journey to home ownership by filling out the form on our website. Then, one of our representatives will get in touch with you as soon as possible to discuss which options are ideal suited to your individual circumstances. Owning your own home may be closer than you imagined! Let us help you realize the American dream with a home purchase!

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